Join us for episode 15 of The Torch of Progress with Michael Strong
Wednesday, Oct 21, 2020
10 am PT, 11 am MT, 12 pm CT, 1 pm ET
Key Discussion Points:
- Academy of Thought and Industry and other schools he has founded
- How Progress Studies fits into the curriculum
Guest Speaker Michael Strong:
Michael Strong is one of the most experienced creators of small, innovative, high performance schools in the world. His projects include Moreno Valley High School, which was ranked the 36th best public high school in the U.S.; KoSchool, a lab school based on entrepreneurship and intellectual development; Winston Academy, a school at which middle school students passed Advanced Placement courses; and middle school programs for HeadsUp!, a multi-campus Montessori organization.
One of Michael’s innovations at his schools is Socratic Practice, a form of text-based intellectual dialogue designed to increase SAT verbal scores and increase intellectual sophistication. He is the author of The Habit of Thought: From Socratic Seminars to Socratic Practice and has consulted for hundreds of schools and universities across world. Michael’s work as an educational entrepreneur led to a partnership with John Mackey, the founder and CEO of Whole Foods Market. John and Michael co-founded a non-profit, Freedom Lights Our World (FLOW, Inc.), dedicated to promoting entrepreneurial solutions to world problems. FLOW gave birth to Conscious Capitalism, Peace through Commerce, Radical Social Entrepreneurs, and the Startup Cities Institute. Michael is the lead author of Be the Solution: How Entrepreneurs and Conscious Capitalism Can Solve All the World’s Problems.
Previously on The Torch of Progress:
- Episode 1 with Dr. Matt Bateman
- Episode 2 with Tyler Cowen
- Episode 3 with Patrick Collison
- Episode 4 with Dr. Max Roser
- Episode 5 with Deirdre Nansen McCloskey
- Episode 6 with Joel Mokyr
- Episode 7 with Noor Siddiqui
- Episode 8 with Antone Howes
- Episode 9 with Danica Remy
- Episode 10 with Laura Mazer
- Episode 11 with Jerry Neumann
- Episode 12 with Adam Mossoff
- Episode 13 with Adam Wiggins
- Episode 14 with Manjari Narayan
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