Join us for episode 14 of The Torch of Progress with Manjari Narayan
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Podcast – The Torch of Progress, Ep. 14 with Manjari Narayan, available on Apple Podcasts
Key Discussion Points:
- How statistics evolved through applications in agriculture, medicine, and manufacturing
- The “replication crisis” in science today
Guest Speaker Manjari Narayan:
Manjari Narayan is a statistical data scientist interested in when and how measurement of human brain function can inform diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric and developmental disorders. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford School of Medicine. Her research broadly focuses on three areas i) interrogating methods for inferring causal mechanisms from imperfect measurements of biological systems, ii) developing methods to evaluate whether brain imaging derived biomarkers are actionable in terms of informing treatment iii) evaluating and mitigating bias in applying statistical machine learning for biomedicine. Previously, she received a Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from Rice University in 2016. Her dissertation work has been recognized by numerous student paper awards including the 2016 ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Award from the International Biometrics Society.
Previously on The Torch of Progress:
- Episode 1 with Dr. Matt Bateman
- Episode 2 with Tyler Cowen
- Episode 3 with Patrick Collison
- Episode 4 with Dr. Max Roser
- Episode 5 with Deirdre Nansen McCloskey
- Episode 6 with Joel Mokyr
- Episode 7 with Noor Siddiqui
- Episode 8 with Antone Howes
- Episode 9 with Danica Remy
- Episode 10 with Laura Mazer
- Episode 11 with Jerry Neumann
- Episode 12 with Adam Mossoff
- Episode 13 with Adam Wiggins
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